20 Dec How to Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
It’s hard to believe that 2020 is almost here. And as we get ready for the dawn of a new decade, many of us will put together a list of New Year’s resolutions. Of course, we have every intention of keeping them. But as they say, “old habits die hard,” and as the months roll on, it’s easy to forget all about those things we resolved to change.
Maybe a new decade requires a new approach to traditional New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips and better bets to establish a list that you’ll keep!
Establish Your Process
No matter what your goal or resolution is, if you do not have a clear process outlined, how are you ever going to achieve success? Instead of focusing on the goal and outcome, focus on establishing your roadmap of getting there. For example, if you’re hoping to lose weight, decide on a number of pounds and put together a plan for how you’re going to get there. This can include things like meal prepping and bringing your lunch to work a set number of days each week, finding an exciting workout class that engages you, etc. And don’t forget to answer these ever-important questions: how long would you like this process to take? Or how long will it take? This is all part of process planning.
Eliminate the Vague
New Year’s resolutions are no time to be vague; that’s when things get muddled and forgotten about. It’s time to get specific! Let’s say your resolution is to eat healthier. What exactly does that mean for you? Make a specific list of things you want to cut out of your diet, or things you want to incorporate into it. The more specific you are with your goals and resolutions, the more likely you are to keep them.
Commit, Commit, Commit
One of the biggest reasons that people fail at their New Year’s resolutions is because they were never committed to them in the first place. Don’t just make a resolution for the sake of making one; find something that you can commit to and stick with it! An easy one is bolstering your savings account. There’s a great chart out there that will help you sock away close to $1,400 over 52 weeks if you commit to it. And the amounts are pretty inconsequential ($52 being the most), so you won’t even notice each week when you transfer it over to your savings account.
Establish Accountability
Did you know that people who set goals and establish some form of an accountability system are more likely to meet them? This can include announcing your resolution or goal to your family and friends, or even announcing it more broadly on social media. When you put it out there to the world, it’s a lot harder to let your ambition fall by the wayside. You can take it a step further by having someone check-in on you periodically to see how you are progressing. Disappointing someone is a terrible feeling, so ask someone you love and trust to hold you to it!
We hope that 2020 brings you and your loved on nothing but good health, happiness, and prosperity!
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